Auto Data Direct has officially fully integrated with Towbook! This integration was done with the goal of helping to streamline and simplify the lienholder process for your company.
This integration has many benefits for both Towbook and ADD users:
Integrations with towing management software like Towbook helps to provide key services to customers that might not otherwise be offered. When towing management software integrates with ADD, tools like NMVTIS, DMV123, and DirectPost-Office can be used in one interface.
If you use a towing management software and are interested in learning more about how to use the integration, please contact us at, or call us at (850) 877-8804. You can also contact Towbook’s support team at (810) 320-5063 to find out about special offers related to this integration.
For a free 90-day trial of Towbook, ADD users can click here!